Arlington Pride 2025
Arlington Pride 2025 will make Levitt Pavillion in downtown its home. It promises to be an unforgettable event.

Save the date!
June 14, 2025 | Levitt Pavilion | 6:00 - 11:00pm
Pet Restrictions
You can bring your furry family member if it is on a leash and under your control at all times, well behaved, and you clean up after it (MUST bring your own bags). If a dog is disruptive or aggressive and spoils others’ enjoyment of the concert, you will be asked to come back another time. Please consider if the event volume is suitable for your dog’s sensitive ears.
Lost & Found
Lost items can be picked up at the PRIDE INFORMATION booth located near the main entrances. After the event, you can contact us at
Can we bring lawn chairs?
Yes you can. If they are in a carrying case they will have to be removed at entry for bag check.
Are there chairs provided?
Yes there will be some on a first come first served basis.
Are water bottles allowed?
No food or drink is allowed into the event. You may bring an empty water bottle and fill it at our water stations.
Are umbrellas allowed?
Are bags and purses allowed?
Yes, bags and purses under 12" x 12" are allowed (with the exception of diaper bags). Backpacks are not allowed. All bags will be searched
Can we wear pup masks?
Yes. However you will have to take it off while going through security and put it back on once inside the venue.
Safety & Security
Arlington Pride considers the safety and well-being of our attendees to be our highest priority, and it is an integral part of every decision we make. We continue to work with our local, state, and federal partners to help ensure Arlington Pride is safe, accessible, and enjoyable.
All attendees will be required to go through metal detectors and have any bags searched.
We are committed to a strict zero tolerance policy on any discrimination, harassment or bullying regarding sexual conduct, race, sex, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation, beliefs and socio-economic background. Any type of disorderly conduct, disturbance of the peace and hate speech will not be tolerated. Anyone who violates our policies will be removed by police and banned from re-entry and all future Arlington Pride Celebrations.
The licensed, open carry of handguns is prohibited at all Arlington Pride events (Tex. Penal Code § 30.07).
The licensed, concealed carry of handguns is prohibited at the Festival (Tex. Penal Code § 30.06).
Knives of any length are prohibited at the Festival.
Batons, knuckles, and clubs are prohibited at the Festival.
• All Weapons including firearms, knives and objects that could be used to cut
• Bats, batons or any other item that could be used to strike a person
• Aerosol spray cans with hazardous contents, including Pepper Spray or Mace
• Fireworks, Flammable Products, Projectiles, or Explosives.
• Backpacks or other bags larger than 12” X 12”*
• Outside food or drinks (including bottled water)*
• Glass bottles
• Corrosive or staining substances
• Selfie Sticks, Drones and Laser pens/pointers of any type
• Noisemakers such as air horns
• Toys that resemble firearms or other weapons
• Alcohol, drugs, illegal substances or any paraphernalia associated with drug use
• Unsealed over the counter medications or vitamins
• Unsealed tampons
• Unapproved stickers, fliers or other signage
• Tactical gear or clothing that resembles a public safety uniform
• Masks/Hoods other than pup-hoods or medical masks**
• Any item(s) deemed a threat to public safety as determined by event staff
​Event staff reserves the right to make decisions based on the safety of the event, guests and staff.
Guests attempting to bring items listed above will be asked to dispose of them prior to entry into the event. LOCKERS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.
Guests in possession of illegal items will be referred to the Arlington Police Department.
Unauthorized solicitations, handbills, sampling, or giveaways are not allowed within the event and participants in these activities will be escorted out.
*One diaper bag and no more that 2 bottles of water per infant present and accompanied by powder baby formula may be brought into the event. Diaper bags may only contain baby food or formula, medication or necessary medical supplies for the infant and hygiene products such as diapers and wipes. Separate diaper changing or breast-feeding facilities are not available.
**Guests wearing approved masks will be asked to briefly remove them at entry into the event for security purposes and can place them back on once inside.